How to Use the Website

Do I need an internet connection to watch the classes?

Yes, the videos are streaming and you must have an internet connection in order to watch them.

Do I need any special computer program to take the class?

The only program you will need is probably already on your computer:  Adobe Reader.  It is a free program that allows you to open and print out PDF documents.  The patterns are all PDF documents.  If you do not have Adobe Reader you can download it for free right from Adobe's website here:

How do I become a member?

Click "Join" in the links above.  You will then have the option to pay monthly, biannually or annually.  You will automatically become a member immediately after payment and have full access to all of the classes and the members only forum.

How do I pay for membership?

Payment may be made with Paypal or credit card.  It is free to set up a Paypal account.


How do I get to the classes?

Be sure you are logged in, then click on the "Classroom" link up above.  Click on the class you want to take and you will be taken into that "classroom". If you forget to log in, you will be redirected to the "Sign Up" page where you can log in.  If you are not a member you can sign up for membership.

Can I get a refund if the videos won't work for me?

Due to the nature of these classes, we are unable to offer refunds.  We do ask that you try the free video HERE  (How to Hand Sew your Teddy Bear) so you can try the system out before purchasing a membership.


How do I get the pattern for the class?

The first page in your class will have a link where you download the pattern.  Watch the video below:

How do I cancel my Membership?

Send me an email at least 72 hours before your next payment with the subject "Cancel my Membership" and I will take care of that for you.  **@Te****************.com



Can I re-join later?

Yes!  You can cancel your membership and rejoin at any time.  You will have to pay the current rate at the time you rejoin.  The site remembers your user ID and password.