Reply To: Welcome Everyone! Introduce Yourself!

Learn How to Make Teddy Bears Forums General Welcome Everyone! Introduce Yourself! Reply To: Welcome Everyone! Introduce Yourself!

Laura Lynn

    Please welcome Emma! I’m posting her introduction for her:

    Hi Laura Lynn,

    I am new to teddy bear making.  I found a book by Sue Quinn and made a bear and rabbit out of felt based on her book and patterns.  I needed cotter joints and started googling sources for them.  Before that I was not aware of the interest in handmade teddy bears.  I joined your site to try to get more information about the proper way to make them.  I have one piece of fur I ordered from Sassy Bears and I want to make sure I know what I’m doing before cutting into that piece.

    I do not plan to make and sell teddy bears, I will just make a few for myself.  I have been sewing since I was 9-10 years old and have a lot of other projects to do!